Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Your back pain won't get better on its own. It is wise to get to the bottom of this issue now, before time runs out. You will have to take action to see results, but action is all you will have to do, since all the information you need is right here at your fingertips.

No matter what you try on this website or any other, if at any time you feel sharp pains or the movements don't feel natural, stop. There's nothing wrong with seeing a chiropractor and they know all this stuff really well (though they can end up costing a pretty penny).

So why are these considered unique approaches?
There are a variety of things you can do to help your back pain, and there are a lot of traditional approaches. This author is fed up with the traditional approaches that don't work. I will describe as many of my unique approaches as I can here in detail so that you can feel relief from day one. You won't find most of these approaches on other websites, because not that many people know about them. Try the following approaches and you'll have a good shot at relieving your back pain permanently.

First things first. Strengthen your core muscles. These are the muscles around the abdomen area that keep you upright and keep your back straight.

  • Do the simple exercises which encourage your back to be straight like a plank: Simple rigid back Pushups and Pullups can help with strengthening the correct core muscles and keep the back straight.

  • Hold each of the following for 15s and then rest for 15s and move to the next one:

    • Stand against a wall, put an arm behind the small of your back. Tilt your head and body to the opposite side sliding your free arm down your leg. Repeat for the other arm

    • Stand facing a wall. Place your hand on the wall. Rotate your feet and body 90 degrees away from that arm until the arm is off to your side and a little behind you

    • Basic Cobra Pose (based on Cobra Yoga Pose): Lay face down on a mat. Arms by your sides palms down. Keep your face down with your chin near your chest and lift your upper body up with your back muscles.

    • Basic Fish Pose (based on Fish Yoga Pose): Lay flat on your back on a mat. Arch your back and push up with your elbows keeping your chin near your chest so your head does not tilt.

    • (Note: These yoga poses are intentionally lower impact and easier than the full yoga poses, and to be clear these are NOT real yoga poses (which are harder)).

So far, so good.

In the next post I will show more approaches and ideas to get your back firing on all cylinders again. Whatever is causing your back pain, I hope this blog helps.

For a different approach called Muscle Balance Therapy Click Here!